Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed

Oh my god. It’s finally here. After so many years of being a massive fan of this franchise, it seems like this huge trilogy is coming to a close, and this DLC will be the one to wrap all up I’m gonna be honest: I’m scared. Xenoblade 3 was an amazing game, but in myContinue reading “Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed”

Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Xenoblade 3 is finally fucking here, and I cannot believe I’m finally going to experience a new Xeno after so many years since XC2 (though, my 2020 was marked by XC1:DE, but I had already played XC1 in Wii U before) Gameplay The gameplay for XC3 is a step up in comparison to the previousContinue reading “Xenoblade Chronicles 3”

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