Trails into Reverie

I had become so used to being able to jump into the next Trails automatically after finishing the previous one that I never even considered how hard the wait for Hajimari would hit me. Honestly, this franchise now has a massive grip on me, and I don’t know if I’ll ever recover after finishing ReverieContinue reading “Trails into Reverie”

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Gameplay & Story May 12th Gosh, it doesn’t even feel real to be playing Tears of the Kingdom right now. I love Breath of the Wild with my whole heart, and I had an incredible time with it back on the day, including even the tedious 100% tasks like korok seeds. I love the detailContinue reading “The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom”

Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed

Oh my god. It’s finally here. After so many years of being a massive fan of this franchise, it seems like this huge trilogy is coming to a close, and this DLC will be the one to wrap all up I’m gonna be honest: I’m scared. Xenoblade 3 was an amazing game, but in myContinue reading “Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed”

Trails of Cold Steel IV

I’ve come here for you, Estelle Bright. My absolute beloved. I missed you so much, and I better see you again soon. I hope they give lots of love to the Liberl gang, cause I know the SSS gang is definitely going to receive a lot of focus in here and Hajimari and I loveContinue reading “Trails of Cold Steel IV”

Trails of Cold Steel III

Erebonia’s second arc, and the start of the new Class VII. Will it maintain the level that CS2 set, or will it fall flat on its face and make the downhill of the saga even more apparent? Gameplay They really revamped the UI and overall feeling of the battles, huh? It’s gonna be hard toContinue reading “Trails of Cold Steel III”

Trails of Cold Steel II

After CS1’s cliffhanger, I couldn’t wait to pick up and start playing Cold Steel 2. In general, CS1’s school setting and beginning two thirds put me off a lot, it took me more than it should have to finish it. However, the ending segment was very interesting, and it started my hype for the EreboniaContinue reading “Trails of Cold Steel II”

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Okay, it’s about time I write a little about my adventure with Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. The ninth generation is finally here, and it’s based on Spain so… maybe I’ll be biased? I meant to start writing this post the day I got the game but… Shit happens, and I’ve basically almost beat the gameContinue reading “Pokémon Scarlet and Violet”

Trails of Cold Steel

Peak fiction can’t last forever: after the Sky and Crossbell arcs, I am to face my greatest enemy yet… the downhill of the Trails franchise. Exaggerations aside, I’m jumping into the Cold Steel saga with a huge feeling of fear, completely ready to face disappointment From what I know, Cold Steel is just not forContinue reading “Trails of Cold Steel”

Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Xenoblade 3 is finally fucking here, and I cannot believe I’m finally going to experience a new Xeno after so many years since XC2 (though, my 2020 was marked by XC1:DE, but I had already played XC1 in Wii U before) Gameplay The gameplay for XC3 is a step up in comparison to the previousContinue reading “Xenoblade Chronicles 3”

Trails to Azure

Right after finishing Zero, I couldn’t contain myself: I instantly went to download and prepare Azure. I wasn’t sure if it was the right move, given that Trails games take super long and AI2 was right around the corner, but it was all completely worth it. Once again, the marvelous translation by Geofront allowed meContinue reading “Trails to Azure”

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