Zero Time Dilemma: Zero Escape – 2018’s IG Old Ramble

Also I haven’t made a ramble about Zero Time Dilemma yet so it’s time for it First of all, I’ll state my opinion on the three games of the franchise: 999>ZTD>VLRNow, why 999 so high? Maybe it’s just that I have a special place in my heart for it, maybe I just loved those nostalgicContinue reading “Zero Time Dilemma: Zero Escape – 2018’s IG Old Ramble”

Virtue’s Last Reward: Zero Escape – 2018’s IG Old Ramble

I haven’t made a ramble/opinion about Virtue’s Last Reward yet so it’s time for it! VLR is the sequel for the great 999 and it’s as great as its prequel but sadly, in my opinion I liked 999 better. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVED VLR but 999 had a better soundtrack, better characters andContinue reading “Virtue’s Last Reward: Zero Escape – 2018’s IG Old Ramble”

999: Zero Escape – 2018’s IG Old Ramble

Videogame mystery novels always get me for some reason. Ace Attorney, Danganronpa, Ghost Trick… etc, and now Zero Escape. If we don’t count Danganronpa, we only count with underrated DS games that definitely make their way through my heart God I’m seriously loving Zero Escape and 999’s endings really caught my heart, it gives offContinue reading “999: Zero Escape – 2018’s IG Old Ramble”

Dai Gyakuten Saiban 1 – 2019’s IG Old Ramble

After probably years and months of wishing to play Dai Gyakuten Saiban, aka DGS, Scarlet Study and their wonderful fan translation has finally allowed to enjoy this masterpiece of an Ace Attorney game Honestly, there’s NO bad Ace Attorney, every and each one of them blow you off with their amazing storyline, music and characters.Continue reading “Dai Gyakuten Saiban 1 – 2019’s IG Old Ramble”

Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana

YS: Lacrimosa of Dana is the game where YS finally tries to approach a more lengthy modern JRPG game and, honestly? I think they succeeded with full marks The moment I laid my eyes on the title screen when I first opened the game, they made me fall in love instantaneously Gameplay The gameplay isContinue reading “Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana”

Ys: Memories of Celceta

Gameplay Definitely a step in the right direction for the “Seven” gameplay system, which is developed further in this game. It felt really satisfying to play and feels more polished in comparison to Seven. There are some details such as the new way the skills work and evolve and how materials work now that IContinue reading “Ys: Memories of Celceta”

Ys Seven

YS Seven is the game where the franchise starts approaching a more RPG-like system, substituting the three-swords and magic system with a party system and a more fleshed out story Gameplay Honestly, I’m more of a fan of the “old” gameplay system that YS Napish, Felghana and Origin used, but this one’s pretty good asContinue reading “Ys Seven”

Tales of Berseria

My third game finished from the “Tales of” franchise! Tales of Berseria was SO fun and I had so much more fun than I expected. After Symphonia and Abyss, this game felt just SO satisfying in every sense. I feel like it managed to correctly develop and evolve in each aspect perfectly in respect toContinue reading “Tales of Berseria”

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