Shovel Knight Dig

After finishing Treasure Trove, I’m hungry for more! It was such a good game, full of love and charm in every aspect, that I just couldn’t avoid but get into Dig to fill that void! Shovel Knight Dig is an interesting proposal, focusing this time on delivering a roguelike experience based on many aspects ofContinue reading “Shovel Knight Dig”

Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Xenoblade 3 is finally fucking here, and I cannot believe I’m finally going to experience a new Xeno after so many years since XC2 (though, my 2020 was marked by XC1:DE, but I had already played XC1 in Wii U before) Gameplay The gameplay for XC3 is a step up in comparison to the previousContinue reading “Xenoblade Chronicles 3”

Trails to Azure

Right after finishing Zero, I couldn’t contain myself: I instantly went to download and prepare Azure. I wasn’t sure if it was the right move, given that Trails games take super long and AI2 was right around the corner, but it was all completely worth it. Once again, the marvelous translation by Geofront allowed meContinue reading “Trails to Azure”

AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES – nirvanA Initiative

God I had been waiting to play this sequel for so long, I have so many feelings for this series and I am so full of happy emotions of finally being able to play For some context, I played the first game back in 2019 when it first released, and I was so extremely happyContinue reading “AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES – nirvanA Initiative”

Trails from Zero

I’ve missed playing a Trails game more than you would be able to think. After finishing the Sky trilogy back in January, it seems my body is finally ready to tackle the Crossbell duology and get over the barrier In fact, I had been pondering whether to wait for the official translation or hop inContinue reading “Trails from Zero”

Hollow Knight

For some backstory, I actually tried out Hollow Knight on Switch a long time ago, but I accidentally ended up dropping it and never got the interest to resume my playthrough. This time, I decided to tackle it on PC, and oh my lord I never expected to end up being absorbed by it thisContinue reading “Hollow Knight”

Pokémon Legends: Arceus

It’s finally here! I have been wanting to play it ever since it was announced Gameplay As we all already know, it’s a completely new approach in the franchise, and my honest opinion is: it works fantastically well for Pokémon. It’s so incredibly fun to go through the maps, discovering new Pokémon, exploring and findingContinue reading “Pokémon Legends: Arceus”

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