CrossCode – 2021’s IG Old Ramble

Yesterday I finished playing CrossCode! I discovered this game through an early game demo a lot of years ago and finally decided to try the full game a month ago or so

I honestly loved this game and had a great time with it. During the early and mid part of the game, there’s a big focus on gameplay and exploration, which are superb. The gameplay is pretty nice and I loved the combat system and bosses. The exploration was incredibly entertaining and I loved exploring the maps to their every little detail

During the end part of the game, there’s finally a focus on story which, to be honest, was pretty good for a game which is not story-driven

Regarding characters, I loved Emilie to death, she was just so fun and nice. I also loved Apollo and Shizuka, but I wish they had a little more screentime. I also really liked Lea, but I kind of wish she wasn’t entirely a silent protagonist, but it makes sense regarding the plot and she still was given a good deal of personality

I would have loved to actually try to 100% the game but there are a few missable achievements that I sadly wasn’t aware of and some others that are just pure farming for stats (I’m never farming for beating 8000 enemies after what Xenoblade made me go through), so it’s not that fun

Though, I tried to get every single achievement related to finishing collections, like completing all quests, getting all consumables, getting all lore entries, finding all chests, analyzing all objects, beating all enemies… etc

The soundtrack was very enjoyable and I really really liked its overall vibes and there are certain tracks like Shizuka’s battle theme, Apollo’s battle theme or the final boss’ theme that I absolutely adored

All in all, I loved CrossCode and you should go try it right now and support the devs

2021’s note: I still gotta beat the DLC, the new dungeon got a bit hard for me so I kind of left the game apart for a while but I will probably come back to it soon. Plus, they added the console-exclusive quests to PC recently so I would like to check them out

My opinion still holds true, I love CrossCode and I appreciate the indie team behind it a lot, they delivered such a good game made with so much love

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