Steins;Gate: Linear Bounded Phenogram – 2020’s IG Old Ramble

Original post was divided in two!

First part:

Alright, alright. I haven’t finished this Steins;Gate spin off yet cause I have been loving it SOOOOOO much that I just don’t wanna finish it yet (Mayuri Shiina is eternal). The little stories were SO good I just felt like I had to write a bit about the ones I have played so far

To start off, there’s the prologue/Okabe’s chapter, which was beautiful and emotional. It begins with the usual S;G silliness but ends up being a really sad and tragic story that even ties up with the og series’ story. I really liked how they set up such a silly story that ended up being so sad once you learn everything going on

Then there’s Daru’s chapter and… Yeah, I hate Daru with a burning passion so let’s forget he exists! Suzuha was nice in this chapter tho so… Suzuha rights

Now, there’s Kurisu’s chapter which had a similar vibe to Okabe’s chapter, and ended up being amazing as well. This one ties with the original story even harder and shows a beautiful story for Kurisu, involving her father and more background to Suzuha, Faris’ father and Kurisu’s father. The ending of Kurisu’s chapter was just jaw dropping

Then, there’s Tennouji’s chapter, which I never expected to be sooo nice and beautiful. This one starts in a very silly way too but delivers such a beautiful and lovely story regarding Nae and Suzuha. I thought the entire chapter was very nice and I loved how they emphasized on Nae and Mayuri’s friendship too

Finally, I played Faris’ chapter which was pretty weird at the beginning but also had a very nice and emotional ending. I liked how it deepened Faris’ character even more and you get to understand much more about her

Honestly, I never expected this spin off to be SO good so far. It probably is just that I’ve come to appreciate the S;G characters a ton but going through these stories and seeing all their interactions just fills me with so much happiness and calmness

Hopefully around Christmas I’ll try to continue playing and do my favourite characters’ chapters (Mayuri and Luka), but seeing as the previous chapters were already so exceedingly good I just can’t wait to see what they deliver in those

Second part:

This is the second part to the old post I made about Steins;Gate Linear Bounded Phenogram! I finally got to finish the other chapters and I loved them!

To start off, there’s Suzuha’s chapter. I really really liked details like Suzuha and Kurisu’s chat about how Suzuha realised that Kurisu joined SERN so she could save Mayuri, explaining little details from the original game. Also, fuck Daru, let’s pretend he doesn’t exist. Overall, it was a sweet route

Next, Moeka’s route. Moeka being best friends with Mayuri and Kurisu was so damn cute and I loved Mayuri’s interactions here. We got a lot of insight on Moeka and how she felt during the original SG’s plotline, I really liked this chapter.

Then there’s Luka’s chapter. MY BABYBOYYYYY😭😭😭😭 I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AND THERE WAS SO MUCH MAYU X LUKA ANGST. It took off after the original Luka’s ending and it connected back to the original plotline and I adored that, although I wish the execution was better

Next, there’s MAYURI’S CHAPTERπŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’“πŸ’–πŸ’™πŸ’“πŸ’™β™₯οΈπŸ’“πŸŒΈπŸ’“. OH boy this was the chapter I WAS looking forward to the entire game. It was good, but could have been better, sadly. I wish they had explored more Mayuri and Kurisu’s relationship as they were doing during the first half instead of focusing again on Okabe and Mayuri. I just can’t see them romantically at all, their relationship is so platonic (almost found family), I would enjoy their interactions so much more if they took out the romantic element. And still, somehow they make Okabe and Mayuri’s scenes way more wholesome and emotional than Okabe and Kurisu’s.
Regardless, it was a sweet chapter and I liked being able to see Mayuri’s thoughts

Now, we have Okabe’s 2nd chapter (I wasn’t expecting him to get two tbh). IT WAS SO GOOD, I REALLY LIKED IT AND THERE WERE SO MANY CGS, AND SO MANY MAYURI CGS!!!! MAYURIIIIIπŸ’πŸƒπŸ’“πŸ’•πŸ’πŸ’•β™₯οΈπŸ’“β€οΈπŸ’™πŸƒπŸ’™πŸƒπŸ’žβ€οΈ
Overall, it was a long route and pretty interesting, they played a lot with the d-mails’ potential for storylines and they made me remember just how much I like Okabe as a protagonist

Finally, there’s Nae’s chapter. I didn’t like all the Daru interactions but I appreciated how they gave us a little insight on how the lab members are doing between 2011 and 2025 in the “bad” alpha timeline. I also really liked older Nae’s character (but I wish they had referenced Robotic;Notes a bit). The route was good but I feel like it falls short as “last chapter” compared to the other chapters
All in all, I loved this spin off and even though some routes had very cliched stuff, it was a very enjoyable experience and I loved seeing all my favourite characters again

2021’s note: I love this spin-off a lot, it plays with a lot of ideas from the original series and expands upon them and some of the chapters definitely caught me off guard, I still think it’s an amazing addition to the original S;G story. In retrospective, Luka and Mayuri’s story kind of disappointed me in comparison to some of the others though, but they were great nonetheless

I wish I had made a post for the S;G dating sim though since, even though I still hate the idea of the game and forcing the main protagonist in other relationships when he already has a canonical lover, it had some interesting concepts in some of the routes

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