Professor Layton’s first trilogy – 2020’s IG Old Ramble

This summer I finally finished playing the first trilogy of Professor Layton games, although I played Curious Village some time ago and recently finished the other two games in almost the same week

Okay so, to start off, I have to confess the Unwound Future is BY FAR my favourite game in the trilogy, plus it featured the best twists and the one character that would become my favourite character so far in the franchise

The stories and twists were nice (although a bit crazy and stupid at times lol), but I would probably say I liked them. My top would be:
1- Unwound Future
2- Pandora’s Box
3- Curious Village

Curious Village set up the story and characters very nicely, and I would even say its twists make the most sense logically

Pandora’s Box was very beautiful and the ending was very nice but I still can’t get over how stupid the final twist was

Unwound Future basically went all out with the characters and everything else the previous games set up for an amazing game. The cutscenes were all so beautiful and there were SO many good moments. Plus the entire atmosphere around the game was so captivating for me. It also features my favourite plot twist villain

Honestly, the main characters (Layton and Luke) are not that much to my liking but they are enjoyable. I also wish Flora had more personality so she could stand out a bit more. I honestly enjoyed the villains more throughout all games lol

The music was also great but it’s not really my style, still, very relaxing and calm to listen to. There are definitely some tracks that I absolutely loved though and the entire vibe of the soundtrack was great

2021’s note: Damn it, I still have to play the second trilogy, I should get on it soon at some point because it looks very interesting, seeing as the three games act as a prequel. I still hold love for the Professor Layton series and I hope I can finish all the content I have yet to play soon

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