Steins;Gate 0 – 2020’s IG Old Ramble

Ever since finishing Steins;Gate back in 2017 I had always wanted to play Steins;Gate 0 and, finally, I have been able to play the visual novel

To start off, I really liked S;G0 and most routes were so good. It’s one of those stories where you know the ending but know nothing about the journey, which makes super satisfying to see all the build up. I still CAN’T stand Daru and the overall weird ecchi point of the series though, it’s SO unnecessary.
I must confess though, I think S;G was better than S;G0 because S;G0 had some wasted potential in many aspects

My favourite route was Vega and Altair as anyone could have guessed and I ABSOLUTELY love both Re-awake scenes in both branches, plus the true ending is very good

Although, I wasn’t particularly interested by all the Kagari stuff? All her story was so confusing and wasn’t properly explained, like a lot of other things in the game. I had to read up so much stuff that the game itself didn’t really explain
Regarding characters, I LOVE Mayuri Shiina so much… She’s wonderful and I adore every single one of her scenes. She’s the most emotionally intelligent and perceptive member in the group but also the most caring and kindest one

My second fav character is Luka and, even if they sadly didn’t get much attention during S;G0, I liked their scenes a lot. I loved the focus on Suzuha too and I love the whole contrast between beta and alpha Suzuha. They also introduced Maho during S;G0 and, honestly? I thought she was GREAT, I loved her character

The music? Definitely one of the greatest points of S;G overall. I love Messenger, Re-Awake, In a Relief Time, the piano covers, Gate of Steiner and let’s not forget all the vocal themes

One of the problems with S;G is the huge amount of media out there that explains different things or worldlines, which makes the story so hard to comprehend as a whole. Plus, the anime for S;G0 changes the story so much and for the worse

Anyway, I loved S;G0 and ngl, I’m craving more S;G content because I miss Mayushii and Luka

2021’s note: Oh boy, it was after finishing S;G0 that I adventured myself further and further into the franchise and… wow, I absolutely loved it. My experience with Steins;Gate has been very particular and it all started in 2017 when I tried out the visual novel and watched the anime, and then in 2020 I literally consumed every single visual novel of it, and what a pleasant journey

With Steins;Gate 0 in particular, I love it for what it means to the franchise as a whole and I wish Maho appeared in the spin offs. I have to confess: the anime is a much better journey if you watch it after having played the visual novel and I enjoyed it like a little kid

Oh and we can’t forget! It was at this point where Mayuri began turning into one of my favourite characters of all time!

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