Virtue’s Last Reward: Zero Escape – 2018’s IG Old Ramble

I haven’t made a ramble/opinion about Virtue’s Last Reward yet so it’s time for it!

VLR is the sequel for the great 999 and it’s as great as its prequel but sadly, in my opinion I liked 999 better. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVED VLR but 999 had a better soundtrack, better characters and a more satisfying ending full of tension and drama that totally caught me, unlike VLR’s, which is quite confusing at times and had a really slow pace that I didn’t like at all, alongside some plot twists that weren’t really to my liking sadly

VLR adds the flowchart which makes the gameplay much easier than 999 and has multiple puzzle rooms to solve and I loved that. The puzzles were truly challenging at times

Then, we have the soundtrack which was great as well, I would highlight tracks like Blue Bird Lamentation and the Opening theme

Moving on, the characters were great but I felt like they ruined Clover’s character, maybe Junpei’s too and definitely Akane’s although as Tennouji himself said, she didn’t even feel like the original Akane

Alice was interesting but I felt neutral towards her, Dio was an interesting antagonist but could have been handled better in my opinion, Quark was a precious child but I feel he needed more characterization

Then, we have Phi which was a really good character who had a good character development and Sigma who worked great as a protagonist at times but I couldn’t deal with his plot twist about actually being that old

K was one of my favourites too, his whole twist and backstory were truly interesting
Finally, Luna was my favourite character with no doubt, her story and ending were my favourite’s and she was the most well-written character among them

The open ending left room for Zero Time Dilemma which I have to get into finishing soon so I look forward to that

2021’s note: Luna my beloved

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